Person centered therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are arguably the two most important theories in the entire mental health field.
They are two of the oldest, most established, most researched and most verified frameworks we have for helping our clients improve their lives.
And they are the exact same thing.
PCT is about helping someone challenge their negative self perceptions. They can explore the toxic thoughts holding them back from being their ideal selves. They learn to replace self defeating ideas with something more healthy and productive. I'm not as scared as I keep telling myself. I am more assertive than I realize. It is ok to put myself first and focus on my needs.
Sound familiar?
CBT is helping people identify and replace the negative thoughts they have about their external world. It's clearing out the gunk that keeps them from being happy. Maybe being late to work wasn't the absolute worst thing that ever happened to me. Strangers in the mall probably aren't talking about me. Now that I think about it, my childhood wasn't all doom and gloom.
PCT is CBT turned inward.
Or, if you prefer, CBT is PCT turned outward.
We are either helping people develop the confidence to challenge their negative perceptions about themselves or...
We are helping people develop the confidence to challenge their negative perceptions about everything else.
For information on individual therapy, contact me at