Your kids don't talk to you, but they talk to me. Here's what they are saying.
My parents say I can talk to them about anything. When I try to talk to them, they tell me my problems aren't real, then they tell me about their problems. That's why I stopped talking to them.
How can I learn to love myself if the people who are supposed to love me don't show me they love me?
They tell me to grow up and act like an adult, then they tell me to shut up because I'm just a kid. I don't know what I am or what I should do.
They think love is buying me stuff but I just want to sit and have a normal conversation with them.
I wish my mom/dad was my best friend, but it's not that way.
They never listen to me.
They don't accept me for who I am. They want me to be like them.
They don't understand me. It's like they forgot they were ever a teenager.
I never get any compliments, but they point out every little thing I do wrong.
They always assume I'm wrong and I'm the problem. I get blamed for everything.
I know my parents love me, but it doesn't feel that way when they are yelling at me.
I'm in a house full of people and I still feel lonely.
They never say thank you or good job.
I broke down and cried, and they yelled at me to stop crying. Then they told me I didn't have anything to cry about. Now I don't show my emotions. I keep it all buried until I explode.
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