Wednesday, October 25, 2023

rethinking teenagers

parents, i talk to your kids and their friends. i'm going to tell you the things they have a hard time saying.

if we're being honest, these are things your kids have probably yelled at you, but you were too focused on the delivery and not focused enough on the message. 

if you compare your kids to your older, more "successful" kids, video games aren't the problem.

if you get mad when your kids don't do things your way, social media isn't the problem. 

if you are upset your kids aren't following in your footsteps, rap music isn't the problem.

if you think you can ground and punish them into better behavior, drugs and alcohol aren't the problem.

if you think fancy clothes and shoes can replace quality time, their peer group isn't the problem. 

if you think insults and demeaning talk is tough love, fast food isn't the problem. 

if you don't accept your child for who they are, your child isn't the problem. 

the scapegoats aren't the cause of your child's behavior. they are a response. 

your child wants to form their own identity and be their own person.

your child wants to know that you will support them on their quest to find their true self. 

your child doesn't want you to lead them down your path. 

your child wants you to walk behind them on their path, and inspire them to get up when they fall. 

this is all the same thing you wanted when you were their age. 

and that's the ironic part. 

your kids really are 




for information on individual therapy for your teenager, contact me at