Monday, June 25, 2018

Rethinking 2 types of people

Two runners with identical abilities run a marathon. They both pull up short at the exact same spot, unable to finish the race.

Runner A says, "I failed because I didn't finish."

Runner B says, "At least I tried."

There are 2 types of people in the world: those who fail and those who try.

Now ask yourself one question: Who do you want to be?

Do you want help rethinking your life? For information on individual counseling sessions, contact me at

If you are a mental health professional and want help with your business literature or Psychology Today profile, contact me at

Monday, June 11, 2018

Rethinking Monday

Regular readers (thanks, Mom) know I believe in the power of rethinking your life. Today could be the ultimate test of everything I know and everything I am.

Let's rethink Monday.

We're a nation of Garfields. Monday sucks. It sucks so bad, it actually ruins 2 days of our week. You spend all day Sunday worrying about Monday, then you spend all day Monday talking about how much Monday sucks. Almost 30% of your life is spent hating an ancient Babylonian measure of time.

That's about to change. How?

Happy New Year!!!

At the end of every year, we talk about getting a fresh start, a clean slate, an opportunity to finally take control of life. I say don't wait for January 1.

Think of every Monday as a new year. You now have 52 clean slates. 52 fresh starts. 52 opportunities to take control of your life and make it what you want it to be.

Not convinced? Consider this. How do you feel when you think about Monday? Sluggish? Defeated? Hopeless? Don't want to get out of bed?

Now how do you feel when you think about your new year's resolutions? Upbeat? Hopeful? Optimistic? An extra bounce in your step?

Right. That's because your Thoughts determine your Emotions, and your emotions drive your Actions. TEA. It all starts with your thoughts. If you think Monday sucks, it probably will. But if you want it to be something better, make it something better.

Your new new year's resolution is to rethink Monday.

Don't stop there. Every day of your life you have an opportunity to wake up to a clean slate. You now have 365 new year's days. And if you don't accomplish what you wanted to today, don't worry. Tomorrow is a new year.

There you have it. Monday is no longer (cue dark creepy voice) the thing that you shall fear. It's a brand new year. 
If you are ambitious enough to take this approach to life, I offer one suggestion...go easy on the champagne.

Do you need help rethinking a situation in your life? Email me at

For information on anger management and individual counseling, contact me at

If you are a mental health professional and want creative consultation for your professional literature or Psychology Today profile, contact me at