Do you hyper focus on your tiniest mistakes? And you even know the mistakes you'll make in the future?
If so, you are in luck. You possess the one skill necessary to feel better about yourself.
Attention to detail.
Think about how miserable you feel when you highlight your less than perfect qualities. Lousy!
This makes total sense. If you think unhappy thoughts, you will be unhappy.
If you think angry thoughts, you will be angry.
If you think anxious thoughts, you will be anxious.
It's TEA, thoughts/emotions/actions: thought determine emotions, emotions determine actions. Everything starts with our thoughts, even our self esteem.
Think about how much better you will feel about yourself if you use your power for good and start to see the things you get right.
You already do this for everyone you know. When a friend is down, you are there to pick them up. You see the countless reasons everybody else should be living their best life. If you can do it for them, you can do it for you. I reject any notion that genetics or DNA allows you to see the positives in someone else's life but not your own.
You laser focus on the negatives to pick yourself apart. Use that same skill to piece yourself back together.
Your attention to detail works both ways.
For information on individual therapy, contact me at
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