Friday, July 26, 2024

rethinking appreciation #5

good mental health starts with our ability to see value in places where other people aren't even looking. now through the end of the year, i'm challenging myself to find something new to appreciate every week.

i've started a new practice.

when i eat in a restaurant, sit down, fast food or otherwise, i tell the staff, "thanks for breakfast/lunch/dinner." 

i want them to know i appreciate what they have done for me. 

because when i eat out, it's not just about that meal.

it means i don't have to do meal planning.

or go shopping for the groceries.

or cook my own food.

or clean my own dishes.

that's a lot of time and effort i can use for other activities. 

i appreciate the luxury of eating a meal without everything that goes into making it happen. 

sometimes i like going to the grocery store.

sometimes i like to cook.

sometimes i just want to eat. 

and i appreciate that there are people who allow me the pleasure of simply sitting down and enjoying a meal. 

for information on individual therapy, contact me at

Monday, July 15, 2024

rethinking appreciation #4

good mental health starts with our ability to see value in places where other people aren't even looking. now through the end of the year, i'm challenging myself to find something new to appreciate every week.

as a mental health professional, the question I am asked most often is "how do I...?"

how do I develop confidence?

how do I calm myself down when i'm angry?

how do I think more positively?

how do I develop a greater appreciation for life?

there are a lot of ways to exercise your appreciation muscles. today we are going to focus on one.

wherever you are right now, look around and pick one object. now ask yourself:   

what would the world be like without __________?"

notice how I said "the world" instead of "my world."

of course you can appreciate what you have, but this is bigger than that.   

appreciation is about developing an awareness of life beyond what impacts you directly.

it opens you up to look for opportunities to appreciate. 

and learning to appreciate the world is the same as any other skill you possess; the more you do it, the better you get. 

what would the world be like without garbage cans?

or the American jury system?

or stop signs? 

you always find what you are looking for, and if you are looking for a reason to appreciate something, and for something to appreciate, you will find it. 

for information on individual counseling, contact me at

Monday, July 8, 2024

rethinking appreciation #3

good mental health starts with our ability to see value in places where other people aren't even looking. now through the end of the year, i'm challenging myself to find something new to appreciate every week.

i am a proud simpleton. less is more, and the simplest solution is the best one (occam's razor).  

the stop sign really scratches my simpleton itch.

it's been an octagon since the 1920's.

it's been red since the 1950's.

even if someone can't read, they still recognize it.

when stop lights malfunction, what happens?

road crews drag out good old fashioned stop signs and plop them in the intersections.

a no-tech piece of sheet metal on a pole has saved literally billions of lives.

it's not a stretch to say the stop sign is the penicillin of road safety. 

just like our friend the garbage can, the stop sign is one of those things people would appreciate more often if it wasn't there.  

i appreciate simple solutions to complex problems. 

i appreciate the stop sign.


for information on individual therapy, contact me at