Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Rethinking Just Do It

Just do it.

Possibly the most famous advertising campaign in history.

It's great advice. Stop overthinking and start doing. 

Too bad Nike only got it half right.

After you just do whatever you need to do, you have to give yourself credit for what you just did.

In fairness to Nike, “Give yourself credit for what you just did” isn’t catchy & looks horrible on t-shirts.

Despite its lack of marketability, giving yourself credit for what you are doing is critical to making sustained progress. It doesn’t matter if you are running, lifting, public speaking or learning to play an instrument. You have to give yourself the positive reinforcement you want from others.

If you aren’t supportive and encouraging of yourself, then your efforts will fall apart and you will be left with nothing but a basement full of barely used exercise equipment.

And don't wait until the end. Focus on the process. Give yourself credit for every small step you take. 

If you are having trouble just doing it and sticking to it, I have one word to help you maintain your progress. If anyone at Nike is reading this, I’m giving you the greatest sequel ad campaign in history.




For information on individual therapy, contact me at bradleyjabel@gmail.com


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

rethink being nice

most people want to be nice. do the right thing. be a good person. 

unfortunately, humans take things to the extreme. these are the people pleasers. they have to be nice all the time, even if it means being less than nice to themselves. they suffer to make others happy. luckily, two simple words can fix this.

be a nice person WITH BOUNDARIES

nice people can set boundaries.

nice people can put themselves first.

nice people can be selfish.

nice people can be selfish.

nice people can be selfish. 

nice people can say no. if anyone has a problem with your polite refusal, that's their problem. nice people will accept your no and selfish people won't. 

saying no doesn't make you a jerk or a mean person. it makes you a nice person with reasonable limits. 

saying no is self care. 

be a nice person, but remember that being nice also includes being nice to yourself.

people pleasers are people, too.   

for information on individual therapy, contact me at bradleyjabel@gmail.com