Wednesday, May 10, 2017

13 Reasons Why: The Rebuttal

“13 Reasons Why” is a Netflix series about a teenage girl who commits suicide. She leaves behind a set of audio cassettes explaining the 13 reasons she killed herself. I won’t rehash the pros and cons of the show. Instead, it inspired me to create my own list.  
13 reasons why I’m happy to be alive, in no particular order

  1. My 2 children: Watching them grow up and listening to them laugh is the best part of every day.
  2. My wife: I could not burden her with the struggle of raising our kids alone. Also, it took me a long time to find her. I'm not leaving her so soon.
  3. Food: I am amazed and comforted by the variety of food in our world. I love to eat and could easily weigh 50 pounds more than I do.
  4. My mom: She’s getting old. She needs my support.  
  5. Camping: I don’t do it enough. Nothing makes me feel more alive than fresh air, the sounds of the forest, the diversity of nature, and eating food cooked over an open flame.
  6. My brother and sister: They already know the pain of losing a sibling. I would never intentionally put them through that again.
  7. Fantasy football: I would call it a guilty pleasure, but I gave up guilt long ago.
  8. My religion: My people have faced persecution for centuries. I would feel like I am doing a disservice to all the men and women who fought to keep our faith alive when so many have tried to destroy it and us.
  9. Investing: Managing my portfolio exposes me to facets of our society I otherwise would not know exist. Investing is my window to the world. It’s also a healthy reminder that there is still a place for dreamers and innovation.
  10. Pizza: I already mentioned food, but I could eat pizza every day and never get tired of it. It deserves its own spot.
  11. My friends: I have too many to name. For reasons I still don’t get, I am fortunate that so many good people choose to call me their friend.
  12. Music: See #3. It’s food for my ears.
  13. Me: There’s a lot left for me to do and see...and eat.

Some of my choices are cheats. Food and music are broad categories, and I could easily do separate lists for each. Have you ever had fresh mango? Have you ever closed your eyes and picked Stuart Copeland's drumming out of a Police song? Stop reading and go do that!

This type of list is actually a common tool used by therapists working with suicidal patients. It won’t solve the problem, but it plants a seed and lets them know that not all of life is doom and gloom.

Even if you are not suicidal, depressed or struggling in your life, make your own list. Maybe you will remember a long lost love. Hopefully some of your entries will surprise you.

The worst that can happen is you spent a few minutes focused on the stuff that makes you smile.

Do you have questions about a specific situation in your life? Topics you want addressed in future essays? Let me know about it in the comment section.

For information on individual counseling, please contact me at

I’m an LPC and a writer. If you are a mental health professional and need creative consultation for your professional literature, contact me.

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