Thursday, August 8, 2024

rethinking appreciation #7

good mental health starts with our ability to see value in places where other people aren't even looking. now through the end of the year, i'm challenging myself to find something new to appreciate every week.

last week as I waxed poetic about knees, I commented that I could pick a new body part each week to admire and appreciate. 

that got me thinking about my body. i won't stretch this out for the rest of the year, but i will present to you 9 things to appreciate about your body that you probably never thought of.

1. every step we take would be excruciating if we didn't have thick padding on the bottom of our feet.

2. we live in a more is more society. lucky for us, microapplemart can't introduce human body 2.0. we don't need extra knees where our shins are, or elbows at our forearms. we have all we need of both, and in the right location.

3. it's a good thing that skin is waterproof. 

4. and that it heals itself without needing a reminder to do so.

5. fingernails are our own swiss army knife. these handy scratchers and pokers are good for all kinds of tasks.  

6. eyelids protect our eyes and help us fall asleep, and they ask for nothing in return. 

7. instead of one long inflexible rod for a spine, we have 33 individual vertebrae. we're not boring traditional straw. we are fancy bendy straw. 

8. it makes total sense that our taste buds are on our tongue instead of the roof and floor of our mouth. 

9. other than a place to store lint, your belly button's sole function is to remind you that you started life INSIDE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!!! technically speaking, we all began as parasites. 

my body can't do what it used to do, and some would argue that even that wasn't very impressive. it's still an amazing creation. spend a few seconds today marveling at what your body does, mostly on its own, whether you are paying attention or not. 

and take care of your knees. 

for information on individual therapy, contact me at

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