Love yourself.
Love yourself more than anyone else ever could.
Love yourself for who you are, not for what you do.
One day
you’ll quit your job or retire, but you can still be a good person.
Loving yourself is contributing to society in a way that a productivity report can never capture.
Love yourself more for the inside than the outside. Then you will still like yourself when you are old and wrinkled.
Take care of yourself first.
You can’t take care of anybody else if you don’t take care of yourself.
The best thing you can do for others is lead by example.
If you can't follow your own advice, it's probably not worth giving to someone else.
If you want to be wise, learn from your mistakes.
If you want to be happy, learn from your victories.
There is no losing, only winning and learning.
Be nice.
Be too nice.
Be as nice as you want to be.
You can be nice and still say no.
Be especially nice to the people who say you are too nice. They need it the most.
Trust yourself. You know what is good for you.
You also know what isn’t good for you.
Know the difference between what feels good and what is good.
Have the confidence to do what is good for you.
Even when others disagree with you.
Especially when others disagree with you.
Trying to satisfy everyone else in your life is a recipe for misery.
Don't waste a second of your life proving anyone wrong.
Prove yourself right.
Confidence is the foundation that everything else is built on.
Have the confidence to try and fail.
Have the confidence to admit you are wrong.
Have the confidence to be honest with your emotions.
Happy people still get sad.
Calm people still get nervous.
Having emotions doesn't make you soft or weak or vulnerable.
It makes you human.
Focus on who you are and what you are.
Saying "I don't want to be sad and angry" gets you nowhere.
If you plan a vacation and only focus on where you don't want to go, you'll never leave the house.
Live in the moment.
Make sure your mind and your body are in the same place.
Overthink to the positive.
You always overthink to the negative, so you're good at focusing on the tiny details.
Imagine how much better life would look if you used your powers for good.
And wear sunscreen.
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