Wednesday, February 19, 2025

rethinking self esteem

recently a client told me he had an epiphany at work. he said he realized he was good at what he did.

I was equally encouraged and disheartened by his statement. 

i was encouraged because he reached a point we've worked so hard to get to.  

healthy self esteem is the foundation upon which all mental health is built. if you don't feel good about yourself, nothing else matters. 

but I was discouraged by his use of the word epiphany. 

epiphanies are big and exotic and rare. otherworldly revelations. 

they lead to things like the discovery of gravity or a cure for polio. 

feeling good about yourself should be the exact opposite of this. 

recognizing your strengths and positive qualities isn't a once-in-a-lifetime discovery. 

it is all day, every day. 

it should be as routine as putting on socks before shoes. 

you did something well. feel good about it. 

we need to normalize accepting that we are good. and good at doing things. and that we deserve credit for what we're good at.

you don't have to be the best to like yourself.

you don't have to be perfect to like yourself.

you don't have to be better than anyone to like yourself.

you just have to like what you do.

and like yourself.

every day. 

as many times as you want.


for information on individual therapy, contact me at

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

rethinking self esteem

I saw a friend recently. I knew she was training for an ironman triathelon, so I asked how she did.

she had to stop halfway through the marathon because of a knee injury. 

the marathon, 26.2 miles, is the third stage.

first she swam 2.4 miles.

then she biked 112 miles. 

then she ran 13 miles before calling it a day.

I told her what she did was really impressive.  

she said she didn't finish, so she failed.

it breaks my heart that she accomplished so much and convinced herself that she had done practically nothing.

training for an ironman in and of itself is a feat worth celebrating. 

completing even one stage takes amazing effort.

my friend deserves to feel better about what she did. and about herself. 

the only way to build self esteem is to recognize and embrace what you do.

it's the only way.

my friend did so much but only saw the 13 miles she couldn't complete.

I'm afraid that even if she did finish, her time wouldn't be good enough.

she should have biked harder.

trained more.

feeling good about yourself has nothing to do with winning.

or being perfect.

or being better than others.

it's as simple as recognizing and embracing what you do.

recognize and embrace what you do.

for information on individual therapy, contact me at


Monday, January 6, 2025

rethinking the new year's resolution

I took the liberty of writing your new year's resolution.

here's the short version. 

be nice to yourself.

here's the extended remix.

give yourself the compliments you wish everyone else would give you.

give yourself credit for the things you do that you wish others would notice.

give yourself credit for the stuff you do that nobody sees. 

remind yourself that you do things well. 

and you don't have to be perfect. 

and forgive yourself when you think you mess up.

but most of all,

be nice to yourself.

and don't have a happy new year.

make a happy new year. 

for information on individual therapy, contact me at

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

rethinking appreciation #27

i started this appreciation exercise 6 months ago. 
i've appreciated small things (punctuation marks)
and big things (friendship)
and all things in between, from knees to hotel beds and tree limbs. 
honestly, and foolishly, I thought it would be easier. 
how hard is it to appreciate my embarrassment of riches? 
a cozy couch to sit on
and big windows to look out of
with a lovely view of trees and neighbors.
as it turns out, 
some days appreciation is hard. 
appreciating what you have takes constant work
and deliberate reminders. 
there is no muscle memory
or autopilot. 
if you want to bring more appreciation into your life,
or gratitude,
or thankfulness,
whatever works for you,
be ready to do the work. 
and know that I appreciate your effort.
but more than that...
appreciate yourself. 

for information on individual therapy, contact me at

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

rethinking appreciation #26

there is facebook group called "buy nothing." the purpose is simple: people give stuff away for free. 

they post items.

you stake your claim.

porch pick up.

it is built entirely on the notion that we can still each other.

inviting strangers to your home feels like vestiges of a time when we didn't all have doorbell alarms and cameras watching every window. 

I very much appreciate that trust is not just a thing our grandparents talk about while we shake our heads in disbelief.

you didn't call the cops when someone came to your front door? ok, granny. cool story. 

and this happens all year. 

right now, everyone is awash in holiday spirit. giving and caring and sharing. 

in a few weeks (hopefully) or days (probably) that all fades away. 

when you need a reminder that there is still goodness in the world, go to your neighborhood buy nothing group.

you will find people giving away stuff they could easily sell at a garage sale. 

and you will find people coming to your door with the sole purpose of taking only what is there for them. 

the world is a crazy place. 

doom scrolling and 24-7 media has made us jaded and suspicious. 

it's nice to know that kindness and decency is closer than you think. 

it's sitting at your neighbor's front door in a bag with your name on it.

for information on individual therapy, contact me at




Wednesday, December 11, 2024

rethinking appreciation #24

a client's friend committed suicide. he was in his early 40's. 

we talked about how toxic masculinity contributed to his friend's suffering.

decades of don't cry.

don't talk about emotions.

suffer in silence like a man. 

he told me his friend's death inspired him to reach out more often to his male friends.

to ask how they are doing.

to share his own experience with therapy.

to encourage them to seek help if they need it. 

I commended his willingness to turn his friends' death into something meaningful.

I also shared with him I have male friends who tell me they love me.

and hug me. 

and on the most micro of scales, strive to destroy the plague of toxic masculinity.

because that only happens one interaction at a time. 

as much as I appreciate anything else, I appreciate my male friends who are comfortable enough to show affection.

and feel their emotions. 

and rethink what it means

to be a man.

for information on individual therapy, contact me at


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

rethinking appreciation #25

younger me had friends. 

younger me didn't think anything of it.

it was a normal part of childhood.

we watched movies. hopped fences. broke windows with balls base, foot and soccer. 

maybe it's because we didn't have demanding schedules.

making time for friends was easy. and easy to take for granted.

I was such a doofus.

the one thing i wish younger me appreciated more is friendship. 

busy older me appreciates when someone chooses to have me in their life. 

invites me into their home.

introduces me to their friends and family.

because it's easy to make excuses not to include someone. 

we want to keep the guest list small.

he won't come. 

we forgot.

friendship is a way of saying "i appreciate who you are and i appreciate having you in my life."

maybe it's not what you're thinking

but it's what I tell myself. 

if you have ever invited me into your home

or into your world

i appreciate that you think i am someone worthy of your time.

and I'm sorry that younger me was such a doofus 😊 

for information on individual therapy, contact me at