Wednesday, February 7, 2024

rethinking change

change is a flawed concept. it forces you to focus on your shortcomings. nobody wants to change their strengths, and nobody ever got better by focusing on their flaws.

if you want to improve yourself, STOP TRYING TO CHANGE!!! you already have everything you need, and you are everything you want to be. 

don't take my word for it. see for yourself by answering these two questions.  

1. what are 3 characteristics/traits/qualities that describe your ideal self, the best version of you? 

2. what is a time or situation in your life when you exhibited those qualities?

you might have to do a little digging, but those moments are there. that proves you already are everything you want to be. you don't have to change anything. you just have to be those favorable qualities more often.

stop changing. 




whatever you call it, it starts with being the best parts of you more often. 

for information on individual therapy, contact me at

Thursday, February 1, 2024

rethinking stress

we talk about stress all the time. everybody has it. feels it. but what is it really?

technically speaking, stress is mental/emotional strain born from challenging situations. 

from a mental health standpoint, this is 100% wrong. 

stress is not about the situation. 

stress happens when you question your ability to manage the difficult situation.

simply put, stress = self doubt. 

stress happens when you remind yourself of your perceived shortcomings.

this will end poorly.

i'm going to blow it.

nothing ever works out for me.

of course you will feel stressed when you fill your head full of negative nonsense.

stress is the opposite of confidence. 

confidence isn't knowing everything will work out perfectly and you are the best.

confidence is knowing whatever happens, you will be able to handle it.

do you want to be the person buried under stress, questioning your every move? 

or do you want to be the person confident in their ability to turn lemons into lemonade?

be the person you want to be.

for information on individual therapy, contact me at