Monday, November 30, 2020

Rethinking What Should I Do

What should I do? 

Angry. Sad. Anxious. Self loathing. People want to know what to do about their situation. They ask me all the time. What should I do? 

The answer is four simple words. 

Before we get to that, ask yourself this question.

What kind of person do you really, truly, deeply want to be? 

Confident? Decisive? Assertive? Comfortable in your own skin? Flexible? 

Now that you have your answer, think about this...

Name a time in your life when you were the thing you want to be.

No matter how small or insignificant, no matter how much you downplay it, there is at least one moment in your life when you were exactly what you want to be right now. 

What should you do? Four simple words.

Be yourself more often.

You already are everything you want to be. Remember how good it felt that time you were confident, assertive, decisive? You like yourself when you are that way. Choose to be yourself more often.  

People say all the time they want to change. They don't change, because change is scary. 

The good news is you don't have to change. 

You already are everything you want to be. 

Be yourself more often.

For information about individual counseling, contact me at 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Rethinking Help

I’ve been a licensed professional counselor for almost 20 years. Regardless of their background or trauma, do you know the biggest challenge most people face? Taking the first step. Asking for help. 

We all want to be tough. We’re rugged, American cowboys blazing trails of independence. If we ask for help, we’re soft. Weak. Sissies. Instead of admitting we need help, we’d rather be strong and suffer.

Instead of doing what we know is best for us, we do nothing because we're afraid of what others will think of us.   

The world is full of angry, sad, anxious people. Toxic relationships. Zero self esteem. Defective coping skills. Help is available if you want it. 

The key to life is to be able to rethink your situation. I want to illustrate that by helping you rethink asking for help. Whether you realize it or not, you ask for help dozens of times a day. 

You don’t grow your own fruits and veggies? Good thing the grocery store is there to help you eat right. Let's not even talk about slaughtering your own cows and chickens.  

No gym in your basement? Luckily, there’s one on every corner to help you stay in shape. And a personal trainer to help you stay motivated. 

You can’t tow your own car when you get a flat, so you ask the tow truck for help getting to a mechanic who helps you with a new tire, because that’s one more thing you can’t do by yourself. 

Don’t feel like making dinner? Better ask a restaurant to help with that. And because you don’t want to leave the house, a dozen delivery services are ready to help bring it right to your door.

The accountant helps you do your taxes. The investment pro helps with your IRA. How many medical professionals in your life have helped you with everything from braces to broken bones? 

The fact is you ask for help all the time because you know you don’t have all the answers and can’t do everything by yourself. Your mental health should be no different. 

If you are struggling emotionally...mentally...and need help, ask for help.

For information on individual therapy, contact me at