Sunday, October 21, 2018

Rethinking "fake it until you make it"

I am sick of cliched nonsense getting passed off as credible mental health insight.

Fake it until you make it. This is total garbage AND it sets you up for disappointment.

Let's assume you are sad. Some well-intended soul tells you to fake it until you make it. You can put on a smile and pretend, but you know your inside doesn't match your outside. You can fool other people, but you can't fool yourself. You know you are lying to others and yourself.

You know what's worse than being sad? Lying to yourself about being happy because you know you are lying. Now you are sad AND you're disappointed with yourself for being fake.

You can't fake your way into success in any other endeavor, and mental health isn't any different. Don't believe me? Try faking your way to be an mechanic...heart surgeon.

Faking it only gets you so far. Eventually you need the skills to take the next step and truly make it.

Stop faking it because you won't make it. Be honest with yourself. Find a mental health professional who can help you learn the skills necessary for real and genuine success.

If you are looking for a therapist with a common sense approach to mental health, contact me at

If you are mental health professional and want creative consultation for your business literature or Psychology Today profile, contact me at

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