Sunday, October 24, 2021

Rethinking Learning Life Lessons

Human beings only learn life lessons one way...the hard way. 

When time are tough, we are likely to think about the mistakes we made and how we can avoid them next time. We are not so introspective when life is going well. In fact, we often downplay the good times. 

I got lucky. 

Someone else deserves all the credit. 

Worst of all, we don't even enjoy the good times because we know they won't last. We are certain the sky will fall sooner than later and crush our foolishly optimistic spirit. 

It is important to learn from our mistakes. That's where wisdom comes from. However, if we admit that our questionable choices lead to our setbacks, we have to admit the flip side is equally true. 

When life is good, we need to acknowledge and embrace what we did that got us there. 

Giving ourselves credit for the good times is how we build self esteem. In those moments, we develop the confidence to face future challenges and say "I've been here before, I succeeded then and I can do it again." 

If you only learn things the hard way, you are doing yourself a great disservice. Look for your victories, embrace them and admit that you are more than an innocent, lucky bystander. 

We don't just dig our own hole. We also summit the mountains.

If you want to be wise, learn from your mistakes.

If you want to be happy, learn from your victories.

For information on individual counseling, contact me at 

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